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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 3, pp. 499-767

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Gas Dynamics System: Two Special Cases

François Bereux, Eric Bonnetier, and Philippe G. LeFloch

pp. 499-515

The Cauchy Problem and the Continuous Limit for the Multilayer Model in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

T. Colin

pp. 516-529

Higher Gradient Integrability of Minimizers for a Polyconvex Case in Two Dimensions

Michael M. Dougherty

pp. 530-538

Stability of Gaseous Stars in Spherically Symmetric Motions

Song-Sun Lin

pp. 539-569

Long-Time Behavior for a Convection-Diffusion Equation in Higher Dimensions

Miguel Escobedo and Enrique Zuazua

pp. 570-594

Stability and Lyapunov Functions for Reaction-Diffusion Systems

W. B. Fitzgibbon, S. L. Hollis, and J. J. Morgan

pp. 595-610

An Inverse Problem for the Hydraulic Properties of Porous Media

Paul DuChateau

pp. 611-632

On Concentration of Positive Bound States of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Competing Potential Functions

Xuefeng Wang and Bin Zeng

pp. 633-655

Error Bounds In Nonsmooth Image Deblurring

Alfred S. Carasso

pp. 656-668

Exponential Asymptotics in a Singular Limit for n-Level Scattering Systems

Alain Joye

pp. 669-703

A Classical Theorem on the Singularities of Legendre Series in C3 and Associated System of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations

Peter A. McCoy

pp. 704-714

On Trigonometric Series Expansions of Twelve Jacobian Elliptic Functions

D. S. Tselnik

pp. 715-730

Smooth Refinable Functions Provide Good Approximation Orders

Amos Ron

pp. 731-748

Analytic Functions Optimizing Competing Constraints

J. William Helton and Andrei E. Vityaev

pp. 749-767